Mieke Will Never Let You Down

I’m Berdine van Wijk and have a Thuiswerkcentrale, work from home center, for the last 20 years. Mieke was one of my first employees and worked for me for 5 years. My business is one of a nonstop thing, no 8 to 5 mentality, and she understood and made my business even grow faster through all the energy she puts into it. Also, she’s great in motivating co-workers and made them all feel like we where one big family. Too bad I had to let her go when she started up a business for her self, but on the other hand, she’s a great value for those who need a hardworking, accurate, and trustworthy person to rely on. ‘Cannot’ is not in her dictionary, what she doesn’t know yet, she will know the next time. Great person who will never let you down once you have her commitment.